Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Eastbound 80 Pt. 2

More work for the Eastbound 80 show.

May 12, 3pm & 7pm at Dixon Place in NYC.

Kendra Portier, teacher extraordinaire.

Eastbound 80 - Kendra Portier from Scarecrow on Vimeo.

Eastbound 80

Been very hard at work.

Promoting for a new show, Eastbound 80, supported by ARTS By The People, showcasing four choreographers: Kendra Portier, Dante Brown, Katie Stehura, and our own Daniel Holt.

Creating separate short profiles for each choreographer. The first two are up; check 'em out below.

Dante Brown

Eastbound 80 - Dante Brown from Scarecrow on Vimeo.

Katie Stehura

Eastbound 80 - Katie Stehura from Scarecrow on Vimeo.